Saying Goodbye to Two Valued Partners

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of two beloved members from our network — CityStudio Bendigo, and CityStudio Logan. As early adopters, these two Australian CityStudios have been instrumental in helping us develop the CityStudio model, while transforming their cities towards becoming more sustainable, inclusive, joyful and equitable. As they take their leave, let's take a moment to celebrate their remarkable journey and accomplishments.

CityStudio Bendigo: A Creative Hub in Regional Victoria

CityStudio Bendigo Logo

Our first international partner took on the mission of making Bendigo a more liveable location for all [1]. CityStudio Bendigo has been a shining example of how innovation and community engagement can thrive while empowering students to become urban leaders. CityStudio Bendigo has been instrumental in launching projects that directly benefit the local community, from urban beautification initiatives and sustainable development plans, to exploring active forms of transportation across Bendigo. CityStudio Bendigo’s commitment to fostering local talent and addressing regional challenges has left a lasting impact. While they may be leaving our network, their spirit of innovation and community involvement will continue to inspire us all. Let’s look back at Small Talk, a CityStudio Bendigo project with the mission to connect diverse communities through dialogue in order to affect positive change in Bendigo. [3

CityStudio Logan: Leading sustainable initiatives from innovation to implementation

CityStudio Logan logo

CityStudio Logan, situated in Southeast Queensland, has played a pivotal role in driving change. Their dedication to sustainable urban development and inclusivity has left an indelible mark. CityStudio Logan has been at the forefront of promoting green projects and sustainable urban planning. Their commitment and path to implementation has set an example for CityStudios everywhere. As CityStudio Logan bids farewell, their legacy continues to influence urban development in Southeast Queensland. Let’s look at the accomplishments of the MiniFarm Project, a project that will continue independently after CityStudio Logan concludes its operations. 

Although we bid farewell to CityStudio Bendigo and CityStudio Logan, we are excited to see the impact their alumni and projects will continue to have in their respective regions. We are grateful for their dedication and the invaluable contributions they've made to our global network. As we move forward, CityStudio Global remains committed to fostering innovation, collaboration, and positive change in cities around the world. We look forward to new partnerships, opportunities, and the continued growth of our network. 

Thank you, CityStudio Bendigo and CityStudio Logan, for your outstanding work!

Your legacy will live on in the cities you've helped shape, and your spirit will forever be a part of the CityStudio network

Launching CityStudio during COVID

Launching CityStudio during COVID

By Alix Linaker & Natalia Merced

Vancouver, BC, Canada – Two CityStudios in our Network – CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie and CityStudio Durham – launched during the pandemic and are a testament to the positive impact of the CityStudio framework. In this post, we’ll provide highlights from CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie and CityStudio Durham that exemplify the value of bringing together traditionally siloed public institutions to collaborate for multi-stakeholder benefit, while demonstrating the value students bring to tackling environmental and social priorities. 

By uniting municipal governments and post-secondary institutions (PSI) to provide students with for-credit and structured civic engagement opportunities, CityStudio works to support deeper learning and engagement in the education system.  

The relevance of the CityStudio model has become more prominent in the past two and a half years with the continued pandemic highlighting that students need opportunities to have accessible experiential learning and Work Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities as part of their curricular experience. Providing innovative WIL experiences for students, CityStudios across the network engaged more than 5,000 students with a civic-focused, for-credit, and course-based WIL experience during the pandemic. 

Acting as a channel for innovation and collaboration, CityStudio also plays an important role supporting post-secondary institutions and municipal governments in a crisis context. Globally, throughout the pandemic, municipalities needed support tackling pandemic recovery, climate emergency, and more. Simultaneously, PSIs needed strategies to keep students engaged via online learning. CityStudio is an example of an initiative supporting municipalities and PSIs, both, in a time of need by mobilizing and empowering post-secondary students.

CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie

CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie Logo

CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie is a collaborative program between the City of Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma University that brings together students, staff and faculty to co-create solutions for community challenges [source]. During its impressive first year, CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie engaged 187 students across six academic disciplines in courses, internships/placements, and applied research projects. It worked with eight faculty members and 10 city staff to support over 14 projects addressing social, cultural, environmental, and economic challenges. 

Reflecting on the first year, Taylor Jaehrling, CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie’s former Program Coordinator, says “it has been really amazing to see civic engagement from students, especially through a pandemic, and more than that, to see both domestic and international students interested in participating.”

As a more rural and remote municipality, Sault Ste. Marie has adapted the CityStudio framework to respond to its urgent needs. From how to build tourism during winter months,  providing food security for low-income, indigenous, and racialized families, to creating safe cultural spaces [source], CityStudio Sault Ste Marie is fostering civic innovation while affecting change in tangible ways. 

Person looking at the lightbox with a portrayal of Anishinaabe children by artist Shemia Nelson
Photo credit: Shemia Nelson

Arts, culture, tourism, and city revitalization have been key priorities for the City of Sault Ste. Marie. This is reflected in projects such as BI’MINOWAASEYAA - Downtown lightbox project, a two-semester project in which visual arts students proposed to make spaces in the city safer by installing light boxes with artwork. The students selected the digital portrayal of Anishinaabe children by artist Shemia Nelson. Through grants and other funding, six initial lightboxes will be displayed in the city. 

Cross-cultural learning between Indigenous and other communities is at the heart of the student learning experience at Algoma; outlined by its Special Mission [source], and demonstrated in CityStudio projects. When asked about how Algoma University has responded to CityStudio’s mission of making cities more equitable, joyful, and inclusive, Taylor shares, “the mission of the university is to support education and relations in northern Ontario, so innately, we learn a lot about Indigenous nations and the historical context of the area.” As a teaching-focused university with an emphasis on the North, CityStudio projects give undergraduate students a way to contribute to community growth and well-being in Northern Ontario as a part of their academic experience. 

CityStudio Durham

CityStudio Durham Logo

CityStudio Durham is a collaboration between the Region of Durham, Durham Regional Police Service, Durham College, Ontario Tech University, and Trent University Durham GTA [source]. In just two years of operations, CityStudio Durham has facilitated 53 collaborations involving 373 students across nine academic disciplines. While the three partner schools  are based in Oshawa, CityStudio Durham serves students living throughout the region, which consists of eight municipalities, both urban and rural.

Despite the challenge of launching in a pandemic, the experience has been a positive one for all stakeholders. For the PSIs, experiential learning is a key item in their strategic agendas. By providing students the opportunity to engage in civic problem-solving through their coursework, CityStudio Durham supports progress towards experiential learning goals. Additionally, faculty members and municipal staff have returned for subsequent collaborations, a key element to the program’s sustainability. 

Embraced by a variety of departments within Durham Region, project topics have been diverse. For example, one project researched the waste management sector and identified potential implications and provided recommendations that could enhance the region’s integrated waste management system [source]. Another project focused on utilizing data and knowledge mobilization to improve children’s development and readiness for school [source]. The Early Development Instrument Dashboard recently launched in the region [source] was employed by CityStudio Durham students to create resources and activities for both parents and educators. 

CityStudio Durham has also provided the Region with an avenue to formalize and expand on its post-secondary partnerships, granting the opportunity to experiment and innovate in a low-risk manner while collaborating with students and experts in the field. Daniel Sparks, coordinator for CityStudio Durham explains, “for the region, it has been beneficial to use an existing, formalized partnership model instead of creating a regional academic partnership from scratch. It has opened up the opportunity for [Region] staff to engage in the partnerships who would not have had the chance to otherwise.” 

CityStudio Durham is a testimony to the magic that takes place when youth are engaged in the process of city building and has positioned itself as a node in the region that fosters meaningful collaboration.

CityStudio Sault Ste. Marie and CityStudio Durham play a pivotal role in highlighting the importance of collaboration between post-secondary institutions and municipalities. The CityStudio projects are evidence of the impact and influence youth can impart in their communities and in the process of city-building. From prototyping to implementing project ideas, to creating pathways for collaboration across city departments, the CityStudio framework continues to demonstrate its effectiveness in helping municipalities and institutions innovate together while growing in new ways.

Interested in learning how to launch a CityStudio in your community? Drop us a note here - we’d love to hear from you! 

Welcome CityStudio Ottawa!

12th Canadian CityStudio: Ottawa, Ontario

Vancouver, BC, Canada – CityStudio Global  announced the newest member of the growing CityStudio Network today, bringing civic innovation and city-campus collaboration to Ottawa, Ontario.

CityStudio Ottawa Logo

CityStudio Ottawa, led by University of Ottawa  in collaboration with City of Ottawa and the Community Safety and Well Being Plan, is the 12th CityStudio to launch in Canada and 4th in Ontario.

CityStudio Ottawa is part of a growing movement of cities worldwide engaging the unique CityStudio framework of city-campus collaboration to innovate and experiment with the way their city is built working with post-secondary students.

“It is a tremendous honour and pleasure to welcome CityStudio Ottawa to our Canadian network. Their work on community well-being  is at the core of sustainable, livable and inclusive cities. Congratulations and thank you to the Ottawa team for their strong leadership and we look forward to many years of learning and growing together”, remarked Duane Elverum, Executive Director and Co-Founder of CityStudio.

CityStudio Ottawa will help increase the problem solving capacity of city staff by leveraging the skills, knowledge and creativity of post-secondary students and faculty in the city. The objectives of CityStudio are well aligned with those of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. The goal of the plan is to work alongside the community to shape a sustainable city where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, has access to services and can meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression. Together, students and staff will co-design experimental projects that will contribute to key strategic goals and priorities in the city in an effort to advance sustainability, increase engagement and make the city more liveable.

For students, this is a unique experiential-learning opportunity to work directly with city staff to solve urban challenges and gain valuable employment skills.

“We are excited to partner with the University of Ottawa on this innovative framework. Meeting the CSWB Plan’s ambitious goals will require a collective effort and cross-sector collaborations such as CityStudio. Residents, students, and community organizations all play a key role in tackling social challenges and building their own city.” - Sarah Taylor, Director, Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy, and Analytics, City Of Ottawa.

“The CityStudio model depends on trust-based relationships and co-creation. As such, CityStudio Ottawa will be a transformative foundation for uniting the priorities of the community, the expertise of faculty, and the creativity of students. We are thrilled to be part of this global approach to building a more inclusive, sustainable, and healthier city for all.” - Dr. Claire Kendall, Associate Dean of Social Accountability, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa.

Ottawa joins 14 other cities in the CityStudio Network, which includes Abbotsford, BC; Chilliwack, BC; Corner Brook, NL; Durham, ON; London, ON; Montreal, QC; North Vancouver, BC; Sault Ste. Marie, ON; Vancouver, BC; South Island, BC; as well as Logan and Bendigo, Australia, and Oslo, Norway.

CityStudio was first launched in Vancouver in 2011 with the support of founding partners, the City of Vancouver and Simon Fraser University, as well as the University of British Columbia, Langara College, British Columbia Institute of Technology and Emily Carr University of Art and Design.

It is a transferable partnership model that has been adopted by 12 cities across Canada, two in Australia, and one in Norway, with more CityStudios in development around the world. 

Learn more: 


CityStudio was founded in 2011 to provide students with direct opportunities to work in and with cities on urban challenges. CityStudio membership includes partnership administration, training and ongoing project and knowledge exchange between member cities and their post-secondaries. Read our Annual Report and Impact Report.

Media Contact CityStudio Global

[email protected]


Media Contact CityStudio Ottawa

[email protected]

Bienvenu CitéStudio Ottawa!

12e CitéStudio Canadien à Ottawa, Ontario

Vancouver,  C.-B., Canada – CitéStudio Global a annoncé aujourd’hui le nouveau membre du réseau en pleine croissance CitéStudio, qui apporte l’innovation civique et la collaboration ville-campus à Ottawa, Ontario. 

CityStudio Ottawa Logo

CitéStudio Ottawa, dirigé par l’Université d’Ottawa en collaboration avec la ville d’Ottawa et le plan de sécurité et bien-etrê dans le collectivités, est le douzième CitéStudio à lancer au Canada et le 4ème dans l’Ontario.

CitéStudio Ottawa fait partie d’un mouvement croissant de villes dans le monde entier engageant le cadre unique CitéStudio de collaboration ville-campus pour innover et expérimenter la façon dont leur ville est construite avec les étudiants universitaires. 

“C'est un immense honneur et plaisir d'accueillir CitéStudio Ottawa dans notre réseau canadien. Leur travail sur le bien-être communautaire est au cœur des villes durables, vivables et inclusives. Félicitations et merci à l'équipe d'Ottawa pour son solide leadership et nous nous réjouissons à l'idée de nombreuses années d'apprentissage et de croissance ensemble”, a fait remarquer Duane Elverum, directeur général et cofondateur de CitéStudio Vancouver.

CitéStudio Ottawa aidera à accroître la capacité de résolution de problèmes du personnel municipal en tirant parti des compétences, des connaissances et de la créativité des étudiants universitaires et des professeurs de la ville.

Les objectifs de CitéStudio sont bien alignés avec ceux du plan de sécurité et de bien-être dans les collectivités . Le but de ce plan est de travailler aux côtés de la communauté pour créer une ville durable où chacun est en sécurité, a un sentiment d'appartenance, a accès aux services et peut répondre à ses besoins en matière d'éducation, de soins de santé, d'alimentation, de logement, de revenus et d'expression sociale et culturelle. 

Ensemble, les étudiants et le personnel concevront des projets expérimentaux qui contribueront à l’atteinte des principaux objectifs et priorités stratégiques de la ville dans le but de promouvoir la durabilité, d’accroître l’engagement et de rendre la ville plus vivable.

Pour les étudiants, il s’agit d’une occasion unique d’apprentissage par l’expérience de travailler directement avec le personnel de la ville pour relever les défis urbains et acquérir de précieuses compétences professionnelles. 

“Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à l'Université d'Ottawa dans ce cadre novateur. L'atteinte des objectifs ambitieux du plan de sécurité et de bien-être dans les collectivités  nécessitera un effort collectif et des collaborations intersectorielles telles que CitéStudio. Les résidents, les étudiants et les organismes communautaires jouent tous un rôle clé pour relever les défis sociaux et bâtir leur propre ville." - Sarah Taylor, Directrice, Sécurité et Bien-être dans les collectivités, Politiques et Données analytiques, Ville d'Ottawa.

Ottawa se joint à 14 d’autres villes du réseau CitéStudio, qui comprend Abbotsford, C.-B.; Chilliwack, C.-B.; Corner Brook, T.-N.-L.; Durham, ON; London, ON; Montréal, QC; North Vancouver, C.-B.; Sault Ste. Marie; Vancouver, C.-B.; Victoria; ainsi que Logan et Bendigo, l’Australie et Oslo, en Norvège.

CitéStudio a été lancé à Vancouver en 2011 avec l’appui de partenaires fondateurs, la Ville de Vancouver et l’Université Simon Fraser, ainsi que l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique, le Collège Langara, Institut de Technologie de la Colombie Britannique  et l'Université de l’Art et la Conception Emily Carr. 

Il s’agit d’un modèle de partenariat transférable qui a été adopté par douze villes au Canada, deux en Australie et une en Norvège, avec plus de CitéStudios en développement dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus sur https://Cité  dans votre ville. 


CitéStudio a été fondée en 2011 pour offrir aux étudiants des opportunités directes de travailler dans et avec les villes sur les défis urbains. L’adhésion à CitéStudio inclut l’administration de partenariats, la formation et l’échange de connaissances entre les villes membres et leurs universités. Lisez notre Rapport annuel et Rapport d’impact.

Personne de contact pour les médias à l’échelle mondiale au sein de CitéStudio

[email protected]


Personne de contact pour les médias à CitéStudio Ottawa

[email protected]

11th Canadian CityStudio to launch in Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Vancouver, BC, Canada – CityStudio Global  announced the newest member of the growing CityStudio Network today, bringing civic innovation and city-campus collaboration to the Southern Vancouver Island region in British Columbia.

CityStudio South Island Logo

CityStudio South Island, led by Royal Roads University in collaboration with City of Langford and City of Colwood, is the 11th CityStudio to launch in Canada and 5th in British Columbia.

CityStudio South Island is part of a growing movement of cities worldwide engaging the unique CityStudio framework of city-campus collaboration to innovate and experiment with the way their city is built: together with post-secondary students. 

CityStudio South Island is the 1st CityStudio hosted within a business school, Royal Roads University School of Business. This CityStudio will serve as part of the training ground for the new Bachelor of Business Administration, based entirely on experiential learning. CityStudio South Island will implement the CityStudio framework in a novel way, gathering a cohort of students to take on municipal challenges through a client based  approach. Royal Roads instructors, alongside city staff will work with students through the experience.

“We are very pleased to welcome CityStudio South Island to the growing CityStudio network. As our second regional member, CityStudio South Island is in the position to contribute to the region while catalyzing students’ education with civic literacy, career skills and work integrated learning experiences”. Duane Elverum, Executive Director and Co-Founder of CityStudio Vancouver. 

CityStudio South Island will help increase the problem solving capacity of city staff by leveraging the skills, knowledge and creativity of post-secondary students and faculty in the region.

Together, students and staff will co-design experimental projects that contribute to key strategic goals and priorities in the city in an effort to advance sustainability, increase engagement and make the city more liveable.

For students, this is a unique experiential-learning opportunity to work directly with city staff to solve urban challenges and gain valuable employment skills.

“We are thrilled to be able to build off the good work of the CityStudio network here on the South Island; already, we’re enhancing our collaboration capacity with our municipal neighbours and experiencing the inspiration that comes with new opportunities for changemaking.”

Danica Straith, Director, Community Learning Partnerships, Royal Roads University

South Island, along with CityStudio Durham is the second regional CityStudio, joining 13 other cities in the CityStudio Network, which includes Abbotsford, BC; Chilliwack, BC; Corner Brook, NL; Durham, ON; London, ON; Greater Montreal, QC; North Vancouver, BC; Ottawa, ON; Sault Ste. Marie, ON; Vancouver, BC; as well as Logan and Bendigo, Australia, and Oslo, Norway.


Launched in 2011. CityStudio is an adaptable partnership model that allows  municipalities and post-secondaries to work together on urban challenges. The CityStudio membership includes partnership administration, training and ongoing project and knowledge exchange between member cities and their post-secondaries. Read our Annual Report and Impact Report.

Learn more about how to bring a CityStudio to your city: 

Media Contact

[email protected]


Job Opportunity: Business Development Lead

Job Opportunity: Business Development Lead

Business Development Lead, CityStudio Global

APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 30, 2022

CityStudio Society is seeking a highly professional, creative, service & sales oriented Global Business Development Lead within our Global Program with outstanding, demonstrated past experience in B2B sales, pipeline administration and partnership development.

CityStudio Society is a registered educational charity led by a board of directors.  We are an innovation hub with the mission to bring together city staff with post-secondary students and faculty to co-create experimental projects that make cities more sustainable, liveable, inclusive and joyful. Locally, the Vancouver Program partners with the City of Vancouver and four post-secondary institutions. Globally, we license the CityStudio model to cities in Canada and around the world; since 2011, 703 city staff in 14 cities have worked on 2700 projects with over 14,000 students. These students have contributed more than 400,000 hours to their cities.

You will bring to the team:

  • Minimum of 5 years experience in program or project management ideally in academic, non-profit, or civic environments.  
  • Post-secondary degree in a relevant field; Masters degree preferred.
  • Proven ability to create, facilitate and maintain relationships for collaboration with multiple cross-sectoral stakeholders in academic and/or municipal government environments. 
  • Experience with community-based experiential learning or collaborative research at the university or college level.  
  • Adaptability and willingness to jump in to get things done as needed.
  • Ability to confidently take direction, explore options, and make recommendations.
  • Energetic, trustworthy and kind with an inclusive mindset.
  • Self-set high standards in planning, organization, delivery, commitment to process and communication skills.
  • Equal parts confident, curious and collaborative.
  • Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Outstanding organization, integrity, attention to detail, and time management skills.
  • Keen to identify and create opportunities and build trust relationships for collaboration. 
  • Fluent in French would be a strong asset

JOB DESCRIPTION: Please check the full job description here.

POSITION: Full-time, 1-year contract position with the possibility of extension.

REPORTS TO: CityStudio Director of the Global Program

LOCATION: At CityStudio Vancouver, 1800 Spyglass Place; Vancouver, BC CANADA, with some work-from-home flexibility.

HOURS: Based on 37.5 hours/week, Monday to Friday, reduced by 80% to 30 hours per week, employee’s choice of days. 

COMPENSATION: $62,000 - $71,000 per annum based on experience, plus benefits after the 3-month probationary period.


  • Extended Health, Dental and Life Insurance Benefits
  • RRSP Contributions of 3% of annual salary
  • 3 weeks vacation plus approximately one week at Winter Break
  • Reduced (80%), flexible work week, at 100% salary
  • Hybrid in person/remote work model
  • Team events, weekly check-ins and team meetings
  • Professional Development expense account

START DATE: As soon as possible.


Submit your Resume and cover letter in PDF format with salary expectations to: [email protected].

Include your full name along with the title Global Business Development Lead in the subject heading of your email.

DEADLINE TO APPLY:  September 30th, 2022

We thank all applicants.  Selected candidates will be contacted for initial (remote) interviews.  Only short-listed applicants will be invited for in-depth (in-person) interviews.  Interviews will be held on a rolling basis, and we encourage interested applicants to apply as soon as possible.

CityStudio Vancouver is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce which strengthens our ability to achieve our mission through inclusion. We strongly encourage applicants of all genders, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, and with a range of life experiences to apply. Do not hesitate to let us know if you require accommodations.

To learn more about CityStudio Vancouver, please visit

To learn more about CityStudio Global, please visit

Job Opportunity: Operations Manager

Operations Manager, CityStudio Vancouver Society


CityStudio is seeking an experienced, service-oriented Operations Manager with a proven record. 

CityStudio Vancouver Society is a registered educational charity led by a board of directors. We are an innovation hub with the mission to bring together city staff with post-secondary students and faculty to co-create experimental projects that make cities more sustainable, liveable, inclusive and joyful. Locally, the Vancouver Program partners with the City of Vancouver and four post-secondary institutions. Globally, we license the CityStudio model to cities in Canada and around the world; since 2011, 586 city staff in 15 cities have worked on 1900 projects with over 11,000 students. These students have contributed more than 232,000 hours to their cities. 

Working closely with the CityStudio Vancouver team, the Operations Manager is responsible for the successful day-to-day operational activities of the CityStudio Vancouver Society and its two programs. This includes human resources; vendor, partner and subscription contracts; board administration and support; and facilities management; and rentals. You will maintain, improve and create the key systems that allow CityStudio to continue thriving. This position supervises an administrative assistant. 

What you bring to the team: 

● Post-secondary degree in a related discipline. 

● A minimum of 5 years of operations and management experience, ideally in the non-profit and/or charitable sector. 

● Progressive experience in HR, organizational management, board administration and contract management. 

● High competence in the best practices in HR, contracts and related systems.

● Self-set high professional standards. 

● Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. 

● Outstanding organization, integrity, attention to detail and due process, and time management skills. 

● Keen to identify and create opportunities and build trust relationships for collaboration.

● Service-oriented towards Society, the Program and the team. 

● Flexible and dynamic to work in a creative team environment. 

● Energetic, trustworthy and kind. 

● Equal parts curious, collaborative and confident. 



POSITION: .8 FTE permanent position, with standard 3 month probationary period.

REPORTS TO: CityStudio Vancouver Executive Director 

LOCATION: CityStudio Vancouver, 1800 Spyglass Place; Vancouver, BC CANADA

HOURS: 30 hours/week, Monday to Friday 

COMPENSATION: $52,000 - $60,000 per annum based on experience (already prorated at .8 FTE), plus benefits after the probationary period. 

START DATE: As soon as possible

APPLICATION DETAILS: Submit your application to [email protected]

We thank all applicants. Selected candidates will be contacted for initial (remote) interviews. Only short-listed applicants will be invited for in-depth (in-person) interviews. Interviews will be held on a rolling basis, and we encourage interested applicants to apply as soon as possible. 

CityStudio Vancouver is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce which strengthens our ability to achieve our mission through inclusion. We strongly encourage applicants of all genders, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, and with a range of life experiences to apply. We will make accommodations if needed.

Job Opportunity: Board Member

Board Member, CityStudio Vancouver Society

APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, November 17, 2021, at midnight

CityStudio is an innovation hub that brings together city staff, post-secondary students, faculty, and community to co-create experimental projects to make cities more sustainable, liveable, joyful and inclusive. It has been operating as a Canadian charity since 2017 with the purpose to advance education by: 

- Coordinating and facilitating academic collaboration with municipal governments in Canada - Designing and delivering community-based experiential courses and programs for secondary and post-secondary students in Canada 

- Delivering workshops, conferences, symposia and training programs for municipal staff, elected representatives and other interested persons in Canada 

- Conducting, facilitating and supporting research into municipal issues and experiential learning methodologies, and making the results publicly available. 

We do this work under two strategic pillars:

1) the CityStudio Global licensing service and

2) the local CityStudio Vancouver Program. 

Our licensing service is a one-stop-shop for municipalities and academic institutions to work together for innovation and civic benefit. Under this program, CityStudio licenses cities across Canada and around the world to operate their own innovative programs under the CityStudio name and includes access to our trademark, training and network membership through a shared platform. There are currently 15 CityStudio - 12 in Canada, two in Australia, and one in Norway. Since 2011, 586 city staff in 15 cities have worked on 1900 projects with over 11,000 students, contributing over 232,000 hours of public sector innovation to these cities. CityStudio Global is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year. 

CityStudio Vancouver is the lead member of our growing CityStudio Global Network, celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2022. Vancouver works with 4 local post secondary schools and the City of Vancouver. 

Our board is a strategic oversight governing body that uses a consensus decision-making process to move the organization forward and support management. The board membership ranges from 3 to 11 members and one ex-officio from the City of Vancouver. Staff leadership attends board meetings. 

CityStudio Vancouver is committed to justice, diversity and inclusion, which strengthens our ability to achieve our mission. We strongly encourage applicants of all genders, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, and with a range of life experiences to apply. We will make every effort to accommodate needs and requests.

We welcome applications from all interested parties, with special interest in applications highlighting the following experience: 

- Entrepreneurial/business 

- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 

- Governance 

- Legal 

● Determining the mission and purposes of the organization 
● Selecting and evaluating the performance of the Executive Director 
● Strategic and organizational planning 
● Ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management 
● Approving the budget and financial reports 
● Fundraising and resource development 
● Approving and monitoring the organization’s programs and services 
● Enhancing the organization’s public image 
● Assessing its own performance as the governing body of the organization 
● Developing policy recommendations in HR, financial procedures, fundraising and other areas
● Reviewing and monitoring risk management every 3 years 
● Fostering relationships for partnerships and resources for CityStudio within the wider community




This is a volunteer position 


Remote and CityStudio Vancouver - 1800 Spyglass Place, Vancouver, BC 


December 2021 


Please note that a Q&A session will be held via video conference on November 10th at 5:00pm. This session will be hosted by the Chair and the Executive Director, and will be an opportunity to learn more about the Society and this Director’s role. Following a short presentation, participants will be invited to ask questions about the Society and the role. Interested applicants are asked to please RSVP to [email protected] for the session Zoom link. Application details will be provided at this session.


Started in Vancouver, CityStudio is an innovation hub that brings together city staff, students, faculty and community to design experimental projects that make cities more sustainable, liveable, inclusive and joyful. 

We are a social franchise that licenses cities with a subscription product that includes access to our trademark, training and network membership through a shared platform. The membership platform includes training and webinars, shared materials, templates, a project archive, messaging and scheduling, as well as both public facing and member’s access. 

Including Vancouver, there are fifteen cities that have adopted the CityStudio model of city-campus collaboration, including Abbotsford, BC; Victoria, BC; North Vancouver, BC; Brantford, ON; Waterloo, ON; London, ON; Durham, ON; Sault Ste Marie, ON; Montreal, QC; Corner Brook, NL; Logan, Australia; Bendigo, Australia; and Oslo, Norway.

Job Opportunity: Membership and Engagement Coordinator

Membership and Engagement Coordinator, CityStudio Global

CityStudio Vancouver Society is seeking a highly collaborative, service-oriented and adaptable relationship builder to join the team as our Membership and Engagement Coordinator, CityStudio Global. 

CityStudio’s partnership model aims to facilitate collaboration between academic institutions and municipal governments to catalyze civic impact. Operating as a social franchise, CityStudio Global licenses municipalities across Canada and around the world to operate their own CityStudio program. New CityStudios join our Network to receive training, access to our brand, materials and other resources, and to learn from each other, sharing best practices. 

The Membership and Engagement Coordinator is the face of the CityStudio Network, ensuring that the membership experience exceeds expectations.

The Coordinator is therefore responsible for:

● Onboarding and training of new local CityStudio Program Coordinators; 

● Developing and implementing engagement opportunities for members; 

● Communicating with and about members; 

● Administering daily Network operations; and 

● Evaluating and reporting on the Network. 

Qualifications and Experience

You will bring to the team: 

● Bachelor’s degree in Business, Communications, Arts, or other related discipline, plus at least 2 years experience as a membership and/or network engagement coordinator or similar role, ideally in higher education, social innovation, social enterprise, community-building, civic and/or non-profit sectors; 

● Proven experience in onboarding and training peers to a new program and role, as well as improving training systems and processes; 

● Proven experience in building and maintaining effective relationships, and communicating with a network of peers, preferably in academic and municipal sectors; 

● Demonstrated knowledge of implementing engagement strategies for a network of members who are nationally and globally geographically dispersed; 

● Strong and natural customer service orientation; 

● Proven experience in internal and external communications using different types of channels;

● Demonstrated knowledge in evaluation; 

● An authentic professional curiosity for city building, higher education, and team collaboration;

● Equal parts confidence, curiosity, and collaboration; 

● Self-awareness and ability to stay calm and curious;

● An aptitude for asking, How can I help

● Excellent written and verbal communication skills; 

● A proven trustworthy and open relationship builder; 

● Initiative and ability to work independently, but also comfortable working collaboratively in a virtual team; 

● Excellence in time management and organization; 

● The ability to speak French would be an asset; 

● Knowledge areas:

JOB DESCRIPTION: Please check the full job description HERE

POSITION: 0.8 FTE permanent position, with standard three month probationary period

REPORTS TO: Director of CityStudio Global

LOCATION: At CityStudio Vancouver, 1800 Spyglass Place; Vancouver, BC CANADA, with some work-from-home flexibility

HOURS: 30 hours/week, Monday to Friday 

COMPENSATION: $39,600 - $47,600 per annum based on experience (already prorated at 0.8 FTE), plus benefits after the probationary period

START DATE: Late November 


Submit your CV and cover letter in PDF format with salary expectations to: 


Include your full name along with the job title “Membership and Engagement Coordinator, CityStudio Global” in the subject heading of your email. 

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday, November 12th, 2021 

We thank all applicants. Selected candidates will be contacted for initial (remote) interviews. Only short-listed applicants will be invited for in-depth (in-person) interviews. 

CityStudio Vancouver Society is a registered educational charity led by a board of directors. We are an innovation hub with the mission to bring together city staff with post-secondary students and faculty to co-create experimental projects that make cities more sustainable, liveable, inclusive and joyful. Locally, the Vancouver Program partners with the City of Vancouver and four post-secondary institutions. Globally, we license the CityStudio model to cities in Canada and around the world; since 2011, 586 city staff in 15 cities have worked on 1900 projects with over 11,000 students. These students have contributed more than 232,000 hours to their cities. 

CityStudio Vancouver is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce that strengthens our ability to achieve our mission through inclusion. We strongly encourage applicants of all genders, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, and a range of life experiences to apply. Do not hesitate to let us know if you require accommodations. 

To learn more about

CityStudio Vancouver Society, please visit 

CityStudioGlobal, please visit