Strengthening the Urban Fabric: CityStudio Ottawa Welcomes Carleton University & Algonquin College

Carleton University Logo

Vancouver, BC, Canada – CityStudio Global is delighted to announce the expansion of our partners in CityStudio Ottawa. The University of Ottawa’s Community Engagement and Employability Team and Faculty of Medicine, and the City of Ottawa, welcome Algonquin College and Carleton University into their experiential learning initiative. Since its inception, CityStudio Ottawa has been making waves in the nation's capital. 

Algonquin College Logo

By including organizations with different areas of expertise and a focus on various aspects of urban life, CityStudio Ottawa will now tackle a broader range of issues and explore new project based learning opportunities that would benefit the greater community. The expansion of our partner network signals a significant step in our journey to create a better, more sustainable, inclusive, joyfull, and equitable future for the Ottawa region. 

Duane Elverum, Executive Director and Co-Founder of CityStudio, shared, ”Congratulations to the whole team at CityStudio Ottawa. This expansion is well-timed to counter the troubling decrease in youth civic engagement across our country. CS Ottawa is showing us all how students and schools can have important, meaningful, and ongoing roles helping to improve the quality of lives in our cities.”

CityStudio Ottawa Expansion Announcement Graphic

As we move forward, CityStudio Ottawa will continue to facilitate innovative projects, support academic research, and encourage creative collaborations that make a tangible impact on Ottawa's urban landscape. This expansion of partners strengthens our resolve and deepens our potential for positive change in the city.

CityStudio Ottawa's expansion of partners is a testament to the growing influence and impact of our global network. As we welcome new partners who share our vision for a brighter urban future, we look forward to a new era of creative collaboration, innovation, and sustainable urban development in the nation's capital. CityStudio Global is extremely proud and excited about this news, and we invite all those who share our passion for shaping better cities to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we can turn dreams into realities and continue building a brighter, more sustainable future for Ottawa and beyond.

Read more about the CityStudio Ottawa expansion in the Carleton Newsroom and this blog post from Algonquin College.

Saying Goodbye to Two Valued Partners

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of two beloved members from our network — CityStudio Bendigo, and CityStudio Logan. As early adopters, these two Australian CityStudios have been instrumental in helping us develop the CityStudio model, while transforming their cities towards becoming more sustainable, inclusive, joyful and equitable. As they take their leave, let's take a moment to celebrate their remarkable journey and accomplishments.

CityStudio Bendigo: A Creative Hub in Regional Victoria

CityStudio Bendigo Logo

Our first international partner took on the mission of making Bendigo a more liveable location for all [1]. CityStudio Bendigo has been a shining example of how innovation and community engagement can thrive while empowering students to become urban leaders. CityStudio Bendigo has been instrumental in launching projects that directly benefit the local community, from urban beautification initiatives and sustainable development plans, to exploring active forms of transportation across Bendigo. CityStudio Bendigo’s commitment to fostering local talent and addressing regional challenges has left a lasting impact. While they may be leaving our network, their spirit of innovation and community involvement will continue to inspire us all. Let’s look back at Small Talk, a CityStudio Bendigo project with the mission to connect diverse communities through dialogue in order to affect positive change in Bendigo. [3

CityStudio Logan: Leading sustainable initiatives from innovation to implementation

CityStudio Logan logo

CityStudio Logan, situated in Southeast Queensland, has played a pivotal role in driving change. Their dedication to sustainable urban development and inclusivity has left an indelible mark. CityStudio Logan has been at the forefront of promoting green projects and sustainable urban planning. Their commitment and path to implementation has set an example for CityStudios everywhere. As CityStudio Logan bids farewell, their legacy continues to influence urban development in Southeast Queensland. Let’s look at the accomplishments of the MiniFarm Project, a project that will continue independently after CityStudio Logan concludes its operations. 

Although we bid farewell to CityStudio Bendigo and CityStudio Logan, we are excited to see the impact their alumni and projects will continue to have in their respective regions. We are grateful for their dedication and the invaluable contributions they've made to our global network. As we move forward, CityStudio Global remains committed to fostering innovation, collaboration, and positive change in cities around the world. We look forward to new partnerships, opportunities, and the continued growth of our network. 

Thank you, CityStudio Bendigo and CityStudio Logan, for your outstanding work!

Your legacy will live on in the cities you've helped shape, and your spirit will forever be a part of the CityStudio network