Ken O'Grady
Ken O’Grady is the Business Development Lead at CityStudio Global. He is responsible for identifying potential CityStudio Network Partners, working closely to better understand their challenges, finding solutions, and getting them started on their journey to becoming a new CityStudio.
Ken completed a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at University College Cork in Ireland. During his studies, he cultivated a deep appreciation for experiential learning through lab-based project work to support the university’s research programs. He moved to Canada in 2014 and takes pride in his 7 years of experience expanding and developing a network of post-secondary institutions that deliver English Language Testing for those wishing to immigrate to or study in Canada. He is passionate about engaging with people to find solutions to complex issues, and inspiring teams to collaborate on common goals so that everyone can grow together.
As a newcomer to Canada, Ken takes pleasure in BC’s natural beauty, mild weather, and rich land. He enjoys cycling the Vancouver seawall, camping locally, and wine tasting in the Okanagan region. He also recognizes the ongoing challenges that Vancouver faces in addressing some issues, such as aggression towards visible minorities, and housing inequality, and he is excited to be part of one source of solutions. Ken also loves trying new food and reading fiction.